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About us: The Organizing Committee

In 2018, Latvian Minnesotans celebrated Latvia’s Centennial with a year-long diverse event schedule. After the culminating Independence Day Banquet we felt energized! What next? We realized our potential for something even greater. The coveted event that Latvians wait for patiently every 5 years....?!  Yes!
And so it was – as 2018 was barely concluding, our energy was already focused on 2022: the first US Latvian Song and Dance Festival in Minnesota! We are preparing with great anticipation and excitement, so that everyone who attends the Festival - performers, artists, Latvian guests from around the world, as well as our fellow Minnesotans, can be unified in the celebration of Latvian culture!

Music and Dance Artistic Directors

We are excited to have Krisite Skare from Boston and Astrida Lizins from Philadelphia join us! Their artistic and organizational talents already having been showcased in previous Latvian Song and Dance Festivals, they are once again poised to create an unforgettable musical and dance experience for all Festival participants!

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© 2022 XV Latvian Song and Dance Festival, Inc.

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